Dear Odyssey Academy Families,
Your OA family continues to think of all of our friends and family who were affected by Hurricane Laura. Please let your teacher know if your family had any negative effects from the storm.
Tomorrow, August 28th, we will not have any In-Person Learning.
Because most families seem to have power and internet access, we will have school via Distance Learning for all students on Friday.
Specifically, this means students will engage in at least one learning activity. Ideally, the learning activity or activities will be done through itsLearning. Completing one activity will be enough to count a student in attendance. If they have more time and opportunity, then please have them do more. We will not have any Teams or Zoom synchronous class meetings on Friday.
If you do not have internet access, then please have your child engage in learning activities such as reading and completing a reader's response or summary of what they read. They could also work on their math facts, and depending upon their age, this could mean number recognition, addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. If you are able, email your teacher what you did. If you are unable to email, then write it on paper and submit to your teacher on Monday with a parent note saying that the learning happened on Friday. Again, this will be sufficient for a student to be counted in attendance for the day to show that they made progress with their learning.
This plan will help reduce the number of school days that we will need to make up.
School will resume Monday as originally planned with many of our learners continuing to learn through distance learning and our transition plan to bring small groups of in-person learning back on campus.
Again, please know your OA family is thinking of you.
Dr. Jennifer Goodman