Distance Learning Will Continue for Tues., Sept. 22

Due to street flooding and anticipated additional rain tonight from Tropical Storm Beta, we will continue with OA Distance Learning for all students tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22.

Please know our OA family’s primary concern is for the safety of our students, staff, and families.  Please stay in touch with your teacher(s) to let them know how you are doing. 

Also, if you are experiencing any internet and/or device issues, students can do offline activities like reading, writing a reading response, working on math facts, etc. all at home.  Remember that the best way to document attendance is through itsLearning, but if you cannot access itLearning, please email your teacher what you have worked on today.  If you do not have access to email, you can even call the school and leave a voicemail with your student’s name, grade, teacher, and what learning activity they did for the day.  Also, at a later point in time, if you notice that your student’s attendance is not accurate in the Parent Portal, then you can complete the Attendance Correction Form found on our website under Resources and COVID Protocols as well as in the Take Home Tuesday weekly email.

Again, your OA family is thinking of you all and hope you are able to stay safe and dry.

All OA Students Move to Distance Learning Beginning Monday, Sept. 21

Due to Tropical Storm Beta and road flooding, we will move all learning to Distance Learning beginning tomorrow morning, Monday, Sept. 21. Students will still be able to follow their normal schedule of times for connecting with their teacher(s) via Teams and itsLearning for class meetings. At a minimum for your student to be counted in attendance each day, please be sure they complete at least one activity per day in itsLearning. 

If you lose power or internet connection, please have your student still complete at least one learning activity per day, and you can submit an Attendance Correction Form as documentation of attendance as soon as you regain connection.  Attendance protocols for distance learning and the Attendance Correction Form can be found on the Resources page at https://www.odyssey-academy.com/resources under COVID Protocols and Forms.  You may also email or call your school to leave a message to let us know how you are doing and how your student engaged in learning for each day.

We will continue to communicate with you daily to let you know when we can return to some In-Person learning. Your OA family hopes you are able to stay, dry and off the roads.

Tropical Storm Beta Update

How the 2020 Census Impacts Odyssey Academy | Cómo afecta el censo de 2020 a Odyssey Academy

Did you know that filling out the 2020 Census for Galveston and Harris counties can actually impact how much funding Odyssey Academy receives? It matters HOW MANY people in our counties fill out the survey. It will negatively impact the school if the numbers are low and currently that is true for both counties.

If you haven’t yet filled out the census for your family, please do so today! The link to fill out the census is below. There is also a link to learn more about the census, including information and links in Spanish.

¿Sabía que completar el Censo de 2020 para los condados de Galveston y Harris puede afectar la cantidad de fondos que recibe Odyssey Academy? Importa CUÁNTAS personas en nuestros condados completan la encuesta. Tendrá un impacto negativo en la escuela si los números son bajos y actualmente eso es cierto para ambos condados.

Si aún no ha completado el censo de su familia, ¡hágalo hoy! El enlace para completar el censo se encuentra a continuación. También hay un enlace para obtener más información sobre el censo, que incluye información y enlaces en español.