January 28, 2025

Dear OAW Comets,

Welcome to our Parent Communication page! Please visit our website every Tuesday afternoon during the school year for important information and updates!

OAW Mission Statement:
At Odyssey Academy Webster we are a family of students, staff, and parents/guardians working as one to educate, inspire, and develop a generation of caring, compassionate leaders with integrity.

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

New This Week!

★ FAMILY LITERACY & STUDENT-LED CONFERENCE NIGHT | Around the World in 90 minutes. Family literacy & student-led conference night - January 30th 5-7pm - THIS THURSDAY

 INTENT TO RETURN FOR 2025-2026 SCHOOL YEAR | Re-enrollment time is now. Due date: February 28th. Click HERE to register. If you need assistance, please contact aarc100927@odyssey-academy.com.

 NEW STUDENTS 2025-2026 | Open enrollment starts Monday, February 3rd. To enroll click HERE

 SCHOOL STORE FUNDRAISER | Don’t forget to turn in your fundraiser envelope for your first prize!!! We have 92 students participating so far, our GOAL is to exceed 168!!! Here is all you need to do to participate:

1. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000369694 to sign up.

2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.

3. Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun book buddy. Click HERE to see our CUTE Book Buddies for this school year!!!

★ VALENTINE’S TREAT BAGS FOR SENIOR ADULTS | NJHS needs donations to fill over 130 bags for the Senior residents of Lake Haven Senior Living Apartments by February 8th. Click HERE for the list or you can purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1WJNWOBZF9LBK?ref_=wl_share

★ PHILL THE BOX | Time to clean out those closets and declutter! Phill the box will be here February 10th - March 11th to collect the items below. OAW gets 20 cents per pound!!!

·       Clothing Apparel & Shoes: Gently used Women’s, Children’s, Baby’s and Men’s clothing

·       Accessories: Purses, Backpacks, Handbags, Clutches, Tote Bags, Shoulder Bags, Laptop bags, Hats, Gloves, Ties, Scarves, Belts, and Wallets.

·       Home Goods: Towles, sheets, curtains, blankets and furniture covers.

·       Collection Methods: Items should be clean and placed in plastic bags.

★ WEATHER MAKE UP DAYS | Mark your calendars. Our weather make up days will be Friday April 4th and Friday April 11th. Please be prepared to come to school those two Fridays.

MATH INSTRUCTION FRAMEWORK | OA Math Instruction Framework: In Spring 2024, we received the TEA Strong Foundations Planning grant to develop a mathematical instructional framework aligned with research-based instructional strategies (RBIS), serving as a key tool for instructional decisions and family collaboration. Click HERE for English, click HERE for Spanish.

OAW Resources

★ MIDDLE OF THE YEAR PRINCIPAL LETTER | Click HERE to read Mrs. McNair’s letter for detailed information and to stay connected.


Early Pick Up Policy: Picking up students prior to regular dismissal time is extremely disruptive to the class and your child's education. No child can be checked out of school after 3:30PM

★ SCHOOL MENUS (2024-2025)


11:00AM - 11:45AM: PK, KINDER

11:35AM - 12:05PM: 1ST - 3RD

12:05PM - 12:35PM: 4TH - 5TH

12:35PM - 1:00PM: 6TH - 8HT



2024-2025 SCHOOL SUPPLIES | Click HERE

2024-2025 DRESS CODE | Click HERE

2024-2025 ACE | ACE (After-School Enrichment Program) The cost will be determined on your lunch program status. It will either be $75, $100 or $150 a month. The ACE program starts after school at 4:00pm and your student will need to be picked up by 5:30pm. It does include morning care starting at 7:00am. If you only need morning care, it would be $20 a month. You will be able to sign up for ACE during the back to school event or during the first week of school. Click HERE for ACE Form

COUNSELOR’S CORNER | Meet Your New Counselor Click HERE

CANVAS | Canvas Parent Access Instructions for K-12 Courses. Click HERE

KROGER REWARDS |Did you know that our school participates in the Kroger Community Rewards Program and just by linking your Kroger Plus card to our school (under Odyssey we earn money!!! Click HERE for the instructions to link your account.

FACEBOOK PARENT PAGE | Go to our Facebook parent page for reminders of events https://www.facebook.com/groups/OdysseyAcademyWebster


PARENT PORTAL | https://portals04.ascendertx.com/ParentPortal/login?distid=084802

TARDY PROCEDURES | School starts at 7:45am, you can drop your students off as early as 7:25am. Every 4 tardies will result in lunch detention. Tardies counted started on September 1st and will start over every grading period. If your student is tardy, you need to walk your student to the door at the front office to sign them in.

★ OCTOBER PRINCIPAL LETTER | Click HERE to read Mrs. McNair’s Updates and Gratitude


OAW AUGUST LETTER | Click HERE to read Mrs. McNair’s Update letter from August 27th

Important Action Required

CHILD NUTRITION | Please go in and complete your 2024-2025 meals application online by visiting myschoolapps.com. If you do not have your student's ID number you can email dscott@odyacad.com or mtovar@odyacad.com for that information.

2024-2025 OABA K-8th Lunch Menu | Click K-8th Grade

2024-2025 OABA Pre-K Lunch Menu | Click Pre-K


The Pulse

Texas mandated screenings for vision, hearing, acanthosis, and spine will be starting in September. The state specified screenings will be performed on 4-year-olds, kindergartners, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and only 8th grade boys. If your student wears glasses, please make sure they bring them to school.  Please note, parents have the option to decline spinal screenings and must submit a notarized letter of exemption before screenings start in October. You can request a form letter from your clinic aide. 

Faces of Odyssey

Click on the staff member below for more information: (we are adding more staff members each day)

Mrs. McNair - Principal

Ms. Middleton - Principal’s Assistant

Ms. Buckley - Campus Receptionist

Mrs. Crawford - Campus Nurse

Upcoming Dates & Events

★ January 30: Around the World in 90 Minutes! Family literacy and student led conference night - 5-7pm

★ February 10 - March 11: Phill the Box Donations Collected

Click here for all the details about our events on the OAW calendar.

Leader in Me

Please let us know if you need anything!


Ronnetta McNair