December 17, 2024
Dear OAW Comets,
Welcome to our Parent Communication page! Please visit our website every Tuesday afternoon during the school year for important information and updates!
OAW Mission Statement:
At Odyssey Academy Webster we are a family of students, staff, and parents/guardians working as one to educate, inspire, and develop a generation of caring, compassionate leaders with integrity.
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow
New This Week!
★ SANTA PICTURES | Wednesday, December 18th - for $5 you can purchase a Santa picture with your student. Have your student wear appropriate pj’s!!!
★ POLAR EXPRESS DAY | Students are allowed to wear appropriate pj’s to school.
★ WINTER FEAST | December 19th - Kinder, 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th (even) grade level parents are invited to attend lunch with their students. There will be a short performance for these grade levels after the feast. Other grade levels will eat a sack lunch in their classrooms and had the opportunity to eat at the Thanksgiving Feast with their parents. Click HERE for flyer
Times have changed from the Thanksgiving Feast
11:00am - 11:30am - Kinder
11:35am - 12:05pm – 2nd & 4th grade
12:30pm - 1:00pm – 6th & 8th grade
★ WINTER BREAK | December 20th - January 5th, Classes resume January 6th.
★ UPCOMING FUNDRAISER | January 21st we will kick off our Book Buddies Fundraiser. Click HERE to see our CUTE Book Buddies for this school year!!!
★ FAMILY LITERACY & STUDENT-LED CONFERENCE NIGHT | Around the World in 90 minutes. Family literacy & student-led conference night - January 23rd 5-7pm
OAW Resources
★ OCTOBER PRINCIPAL LETTER | Click HERE to read Mrs. McNair’s Updates and Gratitude
★ SCHOOL MENUS (2024-2025)
OA-Webster: Pre-K, K-8th Grade
★ 2024-2025 SCHOOL SUPPLIES | Click HERE
★ 2024-2025 DRESS CODE | Click HERE
★ 2024-2025 ACE | ACE (After-School Enrichment Program) The cost will be determined on your lunch program status. It will either be $75, $100 or $150 a month. The ACE program starts after school at 4:00pm and your student will need to be picked up by 5:30pm. It does include morning care starting at 7:00am. If you only need morning care, it would be $20 a month. You will be able to sign up for ACE during the back to school event or during the first week of school. Click HERE for ACE Form
★ OAW AUGUST LETTER | Click HERE to read Mrs. McNair’s Update letter from August 27th
★ COUNSELOR’S CORNER | Meet Your New Counselor Click HERE
★ CANVAS | Canvas Parent Access Instructions for K-12 Courses. Click HERE
★ KROGER REWARDS |Did you know that our school participates in the Kroger Community Rewards Program and just by linking your Kroger Plus card to our school (under Odyssey we earn money!!! Click HERE for the instructions to link your account.
★ FACEBOOK PARENT PAGE | Go to our Facebook parent page for reminders of events
★ TARDY PROCEDURES | School starts at 7:45am, you can drop your students off as early as 7:25am. Every 4 tardies will result in lunch detention. Tardies counted started on September 1st and will start over every grading period. If your student is tardy, you need to walk your student to the door at the front office to sign them in.
Important Action Required
★ CHILD NUTRITION | Our goal is to have a school wide POPCORN PARTY when we get 100% applications filled out BY SEPTEMBER 20TH!!! Please go in and complete your 2024-2025 meals application online by visiting If you do not have your student's ID number you can email or for that information.
★ 2024-2025 OABA K-8th Lunch Menu | Click K-8th Grade
★ 2024-2025 OABA Pre-K Lunch Menu | Click Pre-K
The Pulse
Texas mandated screenings for vision, hearing, acanthosis, and spine will be starting in September. The state specified screenings will be performed on 4-year-olds, kindergartners, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and only 8th grade boys. If your student wears glasses, please make sure they bring them to school. Please note, parents have the option to decline spinal screenings and must submit a notarized letter of exemption before screenings start in October. You can request a form letter from your clinic aide.
Faces of Odyssey
Click on the staff member below for more information: (we are adding more staff members each day)
Ms. Middleton - Principal’s Assistant
Ms. Buckley - Campus Receptionist
COVID-19 Update
As a reminder, we will notify all families and staff of a school if we have any positive test confirmed COVID-19 cases. We also notify the local health department as well as submit a weekly report to the Texas Education Agency. We even notify our local health department if we have any individuals who have COVID-like symptoms and ensure these individuals understand they cannot come back to campus until they satisfy all re-entry criteria.
Please use OA’s COVID Tracking Form below for the required notification for the school instead of having to call or email LaToya Sanders. She will get the information by simply completing the form if they test positive, have symptoms, or are in close contact to a test-positive individual.
Upcoming Dates & Events
★ December 17: 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip - Lone Star Flight Museum
★ December 18: Class Holiday Parties; Polar Express Day - wear PJ’s and Santa Pictures
★ December 19: Winter Holiday Feast - Kinder, 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th grade (date changed from the 17th)
★ December 20 - January 5: Winter Break
★ January 6: Classes Resume
★ January 9: Report Cards go home
★ January 8: Celebrations Dollar Dress Day
★ January 10: Staff PD - No school for Friday Students
★ January 15: Spelling Bee
★ January 16: Greatness Gathering - more details to come!
★ January 18: Future City Competition
★ January 20: Holiday for Students & Staff - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
★ January 22: Celebrations Dollar Dress Day
★ January 23: Around the World in 90 Minutes! Family literacy and student led conference night - 5-7pm
★ January 21-27: National School Choice Week
Click here for all the details about our events on the OAW calendar.
Leader in Me
Please let us know if you need anything!
Ronnetta McNair